Due to the current COVID 19 Pandemic I have to inform you that the 2020 State Firefighting Championship, scheduled to be held at Port Macquarie will be cancelled.
The cancellation of the 2020 Port Macquarie State Firefighter Championship is inline with the cancellation of other major events across the Nation and worldwide, with the aim to limit the spread of COVID 19.
It is essential to maintain our firefighting and rescue capability during COVID19. To achieve that we need to take every action possible to limit the spread of COVID19 into our firefighting workforce and community. This was a major consideration in cancelling this year’s State Championship.
We now have an opportunity to plan for the future of Championships in the current environment of COVID19 Pandemic. We can take this time to plan and implement social distancing and hygiene practices for future Championships. This will ensure Firefighter Championships are a success in enhancing firefighter camaraderie, skills, networks and community engagement and not a risk to maintaining our firefighting and rescue capabilities across the State.
I take the opportunity to include all of you in the sentiment that Firefighter Championships will return bigger, better and safer in March 2021.
Yours sincerely,
Rob McNeil AFSM
Director Firefighter Championships
Assistant Commissioner Regional Operations